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  • 2020 SACA Members Virtual Holiday Social

2020 SACA Members Virtual Holiday Social

  • 8 Dec 2020
  • 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
  • Online via WebEx - Invitation email upon registration


  • Please submit your RSVP no later than 5:00 p.m. on Monday, December 4th.

Registration is closed

2020 SACA Members Virtual Holiday Social

We invite all of our members to join us in celebrating the San Antonio Compensation Association's (SACA) 2020 successes for our Annual Holiday Social. If you're not already a member of SACA, this is the perfect time to join and enjoy this social and take advantage of all future events in 2021!  This will be an online social via WebEx and once you register, you'll receive a WebEx link to add to your calendars.

We will have games and giveaways and look forward to getting to know our members even more.

We do also plan to have a little spin on the "Ugly Sweater" contest, but instead you'll be decorating your very own "Ugly Mask."  Now whether you are in the office or at home for this luncheon, you can participate in a little extra fun.  Get creative and be ready to share your masks. 

Food Bank/Charity Event

In addition to our interactive holiday social, SACA also will be participating in our annual charity event. This year will be a monetary donation to the San Antonio Food Bank. Please join us by participating in this year’s charity by any the of the three methods:

*Personal Donation
Make a personal donation of your own, for every donation you make, SACA will match the first $5 of that donation.
*Joining us for the Holiday Social
Register for the Holiday Social and join us on December 8th. For every SACA member that joins us, we’ll donate $10 to the San Antonio Food Bank.
*Refer a friend
Invite a friend to join in our San Antonio Compensation Association. For every new *paid* membership, we will donate $20 to the San Antonio Food Bank. And bonus, if they register to be a member before our December 8th social, they will be able to join in the fun and have the extra $10 donation for their attendance as well. Please note, all new memberships must be completed by December 31st to count in the donations.

To directly donate to the Food Bank, please go to http://my.safoodbank.org/SACA

And to refer a friend, please share with them our registration page on our website - https://sacomp.org/join-us

Join us in an effort to fight hunger in our community. We look forward to seeing you at the Holiday Social.

***Due to the coordination required for this event, space is limited to current SACA members only.***


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