Amended June 28, 2023
The name of the organization is the South Texas Compensation and Benefits Association, also referred to as STXCABA.
STXCABA is committed to providing a professional medium for the exchange of best practices, ideas and trends common to those in the profession; promoting the compensation and benefits fields by developing partnerships with other human resource associations; and providing educational and professional development of those engaged in its practice throughout the San Antonio and South Texas area.
Section A - Membership Eligibility
The membership of the Association is open to any persons who are actively involved in designing, establishing, executing, administering or managing the compensation, benefits, or work-life functions for their organization. Membership privileges are also extended to individuals who are accredited through WorldatWork, faculty members in human resources or its specialized functions, and students actively pursuing a degree in human resources or its specialized functions. Membership in STXCABA will not be denied on the basis of race, religion, sex, age, national origin, or disability. Individuals who are recruiting practitioners may be denied membership if it is determined that their membership was based strictly on the purpose of soliciting business or recruiting for other clients.
Section B - Membership Requirement
Membership in STXCABA is on an individual basis.
Section C – Student Membership Requirement
To be eligible for a student membership, member must use a college/university email and may be subject to verification.
STXCABA shall be and is hereby affiliated with WorldatWork as part of the Group Partner Network
Each STXCABA member shall pledge himself/herself to support and respect the purpose of this Association; the exchange of best practices, ideas and the discussion of problems during round-table exchanges shall be viewed as privileged communication or confidential information and not regarded as any reflection of the official opinion of the Association or any member employer. Violation of this ethics policy or the misuse of STXCABA materials for the purpose of soliciting business or other related matters, may result in suspension or expulsion from STXCABA after a hearing of the Board of Directors.
STXCABA shall use its funds and other assets exclusively to advance the mission and purposes stated in the constitution. Should STXCABA be dissolved, after paying or resolving any debts or obligations, the remaining assets shall be distributed to WorldatWork Net earnings of STXCABA shall never be used or be distributed to its members, officers or other private persons, except to pay for services rendered and approved by the Board of Directors.
Section A: Amendments
The Constitution and Bylaws may be amended with written notice of the proposal given to the President within 10 business days prior to any regular meeting or special meeting of the Association. A simple majority of votes cast shall sustain the amendment. Votes may be collected at member meetings or by an online survey distributed to all active members.
Section B: Bylaws
Bylaws are established by the Board of Directors for the orderly conduct of STXCABA business. It is the duty and responsibility of the Board of Directors to formulate new and modify existing STXCABA Bylaws as required to meet changing conditions.
Regular STXCABA meetings are conducted monthly with a minimum of six (6) per year. The location and time are designated by the Board of Directors. These meetings feature subject matter experts discussing current trends and practices in the areas of compensation, and an update of association programs.
Annual dues are a function of membership. The two options are: 1) Individual Membership at $75.00 per year. 2) Student Membership at $25 for active student per year. Board Members may require proof of current year college/university registration. Membership renewal date will be based on the anniversary date of members former enrollment date.
Section A: Board of Directors
The governing body of this Association consists of a President, President-Elect, Vice President, Communications, Vice President - Membership, Vice President - Finance, Vice President - Programs, Vice President - Special Programs, and Vice President - Governing Affairs & Secretary. A general description of responsibilities for each Board member is listed below. This governing body is charged with the day-to-day functions of STXCABA and dedicated to serving the membership and act within the mission of the Association.
A Nominating Committee consisting of the acting Board of Directors provides candidates for election on an annual basis. These candidates are presented to the membership with additional nominations taken from the group. Elections occur annually for the next calendar year. To be eligible to run for a Board of Director role, the nominee must be an active member of the association. The Officers of the Board serve a one-year term up to a three consecutive-year limit in the same role. Note that the Vice President – Finance will serve a one-year term up to a two consecutive-year limit in the same role due to fiduciary responsibilities. There is no limit to the number of terms an officer may serve as long as the rule regarding consecutive years in the same role is adhered to. Elected Board Members must commit to attending all of the scheduled STXCABA meetings and Board of Director meetings for the year in which they are elected. If a vacancy occurs during the calendar year, the President recommends a replacement for approval by the Board.
As approved by the membership, active Board of Director members will receive complimentary annual membership, attendance to monthly meetings, up to four (4) STXCABA -sponsored CCP/CBP courses per year and attendance to STXCABA -sponsored workshops. Official committee members will receive the same benefits with the exception of the complimentary STXCABA -sponsored CCP/CBP courses. Additionally, the President, or a designated Board Member, will represent the association through complimentary attendance to the annual WorldatWork Total Rewards Conference (for purposes of attending the associated GPN Leadership Conference) and the annual Texas Total Rewards Conference.
Amended effective Jun 28, 2023