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June 2021 Meeting - "Winning the Benefits Battle"

  • 8 Jun 2021
  • 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
  • Virtual WebEx Meeting


  • For Board of Directors and Committee Members only.

Registration is closed

"Winning the Benefits Battle"

It’s no secret that healthcare costs in the United States are spiraling out of control. When a carrier delivers a 14% increase at plan renewal, a broker typically can negotiate that down to 11%. With some plan changes, they can get it down to 8% and feel pretty good because, they found a percent that fits the CFO’s budget. Job well done, see you next year.  Come and find out ways you could be saving money on your health plan and increasing your employee’s benefits.

Presenters:  Tenna Hartman,  Health West and Lisa Smith, NCA Consulting

This virtual meeting is FREE to members and open to guests for just $25.00.  We are venturing into expanding into a more Total Rewards approach and hope you'll share this event with other Total Rewards professionals. 


Tenna Hartman is the Founder and President of Health West and has nearly 30 years of contract negotiation experience, negotiating multi-million-dollar contracts for health care organizations including: PPO networks, hospitals, physicians and other ancillary providers. She utilized her experience in the industry with her expertise in provider contracting and negotiations to create a company that has helped reduce medical insurance costs for corporations and their employees.


Lisa Smith  has nearly 30 years of health care industry experience. In her specialized role she has worked with many high profile and Fortune 500 companies.

She has saved millions of dollars for both fully-insured and self-funded arrangements. Her clients appreciate her unconventional approach which is centered on developing cost-saving strategies.

She has managed clients with multi-million-dollar self-funded health plans and has consistently assisted those plans savings millions of dollars annually.

She has worked with administrators, reinsurance carriers, employers and provider networks. She graduated from Westminster College with a Bachelor of Business and a Paralegal Certificate.

Quick update to next week's SACA luncheon, we have gotten the acceptance and this event will now provide HRCI & SHRM certification/ recertification credits.  We hope to see you there.

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