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  • Pay Transparency, Pay Equity, Reward & Recognition Event

Pay Transparency, Pay Equity, Reward & Recognition Event

  • 21 Feb 2023
  • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
  • Silo 1604; 434 N Loop 1604 W; San Antonio 78232


  • Includes registration for this event and a one-year membership. Rate also includes the cost of lunch.
  • Cost of event includes lunch.
  • Cost of event is for the lunch.
  • Cost of event is for the lunch.

Registration is closed

"SACA Roundtable Event"

Please join us for an exciting and engaging roundtable to discuss hot topics regarding Total Rewards such as pay transparency, pay equity, and/or reward & recognition programs. Participants will have an opportunity to hear about challenges other companies are facing and what approaches are being taken to overcome and resolve these issues.

Learning Objectives:

  • Best practices from HR professionals in the local area.
  • Common challenges in pay transparency, equity, and reward & recognition programs.

A headcount for lunch is required. Please submit your RSVP no later than 5:00 p.m. on February 17, 2023.  For members, the cost associated with this luncheon is for the expense of food only.  For guests, it's the guest registration cost plus food.  

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